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What Is Scrum Methodology? Benefits, Usage & Various Roles
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What Is Scrum Methodology? Benefits, Usage & Various Roles

It is essential to understand the project development methodologies. A project development methodology holds a particular approach and some sequence of steps and exercises for each stage of the project’s life cycle. In this article, you will learn about what is scrum and what is scrum methodology. Check out our free courses to get an edge over the competition.  What is Scrum? Scrum is one framework that uses these methodologies. Following this framework, developers can address complex adaptive problems iteratively and incrementally. Scrum is a versatile, rapid, flexible, and effective agile framework designed to deliver content to the customer throughout the project development process. It is the most popular product development strategy. Scrum is a part of the agile software development methodology mostly used for software development projects.  Scrum essentially influences the agile development approaches and articulates a set of values to develop higher-quality software rapidly. The term scrum got its name from the sport called rugby, where scrum is a player formation where every player plays a specific role towards a particular and rapid adoption of the strategy. Scrum follows the same pattern of development. Check out upGrad’s Advanced Certification in DevOps  Read: Difference Between Agile & Scrum History of Scrum Now, since you have understood what scrum is, let us now take a look at how it came into existence. Scrum methodology started back in the early 90s. In 1995, at the Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages & Applications (OOPSLA) conference in Austin, Texas, Jeff Sutherland and Ken Schwaber came up with a process of software development. They have published a paper in which they have formalized the methodology SCRUM Software Development Process. This paper talks about enhancing performance in developing new, hybrid software projects with a self-organizing team and modular tasks.  Check out upGrad’s Full Stack Development Bootcamp (JS/MERN) Events in Scrum In the scrum methodology, certain events, sometimes called ceremonies, occur inside each sprint to enable efficient work where the team collaborates closely and effectively toward positive outcomes.  Sprint Planning The first step is planning what, how and why something needs to be a part of and completed during a sprint. The sprint planning meeting is held during the start of each sprint to determine how a project will approach the deadlines and stages of the Project Backlog. The features and tasks of each sprint differ and are defined during this stage. Daily Scrum Evaluating the trends and progress of the sprint is the main goal of the Daily Scrum. The progress is monitored until the very end of the sprint. A small meeting takes place every morning during the sprint to synchronize each activity and formulate a plan for the upcoming twenty-four hours. It helps the team answer questions related to their daily tasks, ask for help if required and resolve any issues.  Sprint Review After a sprint, the team reviews the sprint to identify work completed while referring to the product backlog. For Scrum in software engineering, once a sprint is complete, the advancement of progress for a product should be clearly visible. Sprint Retrospective During the review, the team inspects the completed goals and notes the good and the bad to ensure mistakes are not repeated. The team identifies possible improvements in the development process and plans for their implementation in the next sprint. What is Sprint Planning? Before diving into the sprint, the team needs to plan out the why, what and how of the sprint to ensure all factors are considered, and the sprint is a success. Sprint planning is important in the Scrum framework and is usually timebound, with 2 hours allotted for every week of the sprint’s total duration. Why  The Product Owner communicates what can be improved, and the goals for the sprint are established through the collaboration of the Product Owner, Scrum Master, Scrum Developer and the team to understand why the sprint is valuable and necessary. What  The Product Owner selects items from the Product Backlog to incorporate into the current sprint. The team looks at their past performance, current capacity, the definition of done, and so on to decide how much will be completed within this sprint. How  The Developer establishes work that needs to be completed for every Product Backlog item selected to create an increment that aligns with the definition of done. The Product Backlog items are segmented into smaller tasks of a day or less.  The Sprint Backlog is established based on the sprint goal, selected Product Backlog items, and the Sprint Plan. Metadata Description Scrum is an evolved methodology of the agile software development process. Scrum methodology depends on a set of defined practices and roles that are intended exclusively for the software development process. Scrum methodology emphasizes accountability with iterative progress towards a well-defined software development goal. Scrum is a widely used agile software development methodology for teams. Scrum Methodology Scrum is an evolved methodology of the agile software development process. Scrum methodology depends on a set of defined practices and roles that are intended exclusively for the software development process.  Scrum methodology emphasizes accountability with iterative progress towards a well-defined software development goal. Scrum methodology primarily incorporates the intention of achieving new software capability and objectives every 2 to 4 weeks. Read: Scrum Master Salary in India Who uses the Scrum Methodology? Scrum is a widely used agile software development methodology for teams. As per the 12th annual State of Agile report, almost 70 percent of software development teams practice Scrum methodology or Scrum hybrid techniques to complete a software development project.  Slowly, with the increase of its potential and popularity, scrum has spread its utility to other sectors like business, IT, and marketing. According to scrum, every project must go on an agile process to move forward with complexity and ambiguity. Even the leadership group of any business organization or enterprise also depends on the scrum’s agile practices. By providing delivery of projects with added functionality iteratively, management can progress quickly in executing projects in modules. How scrum fits into agile project management? Scrum is a component of agile methodology but not absolutely the only part. You can consider agile being a big tent where scrum is a strong pillar. Agile is a set of principles where a group’s progress or a team is measured every day. Scrum produces a means to utilize agile in a software development project. Scrum follows the principles and values of agile, but the specifications, definitions, and software development practices differ. Benefits of Scrum Methodology Scrum methodology has various gains over general agile methods. It has become the most aided reference framework for software development. Some popularly known benefits of scrum are: Yielding of expectations Scrum methodology brings an expectation by providing indication and value outcome that each iteration or history of the project delivers. It also helps the team establish some information about the product and the owner’s priority. Explore our Popular Software Engineering Courses Master of Science in Computer Science from LJMU & IIITB Caltech CTME Cybersecurity Certificate Program Full Stack Development Bootcamp PG Program in Blockchain Executive PG Program in Full Stack Development View All our Courses Below Software Engineering Courses Highly Scalable The different processes within the Scrum methodology follows an iterative approach and have distinct work periods to handle. That makes the whole team focus on particular functionalities with a specific period. It boosts the development process to achieve better deliverables and allows the team to scale the modules in terms of priority and functionality. Explore Our Software Development Free Courses Fundamentals of Cloud Computing JavaScript Basics from the scratch Data Structures and Algorithms Blockchain Technology React for Beginners Core Java Basics Java Node.js for Beginners Advanced JavaScript Lesser preparation time Software developers can start developing the essential functionalities first and update the modules on further iterations so that the client can start using the most. Also, this brings the product in a working condition to utilize its functional modules. Flexibility in alteration  There are situations in a software development phase where the clients expect frequent changes or up-gradation. A quick reaction for altering the modules as per market requirements is possible to adapt through the scrum methodology. Better software quality  It is essential to have quality software and the need to achieve a working version of it after each iteration. The scrum methodology of software development helps in achieving this. Prediction of delivery  Using scrum methodology, measuring the average development speed the team is having in the sprint becomes easier. The software’s functionalities are developed in chunks, and hence, estimating the rate of flow of work becomes easy. At every iteration, the Scrum team can calculate the backlog of tasks. In-Demand Software Development Skills JavaScript Courses Core Java Courses Data Structures Courses Node.js Courses SQL Courses Full stack development Courses NFT Courses DevOps Courses Big Data Courses React.js Courses Cyber Security Courses Cloud Computing Courses Database Design Courses Python Courses Cryptocurrency Courses Reduced risk factors  In scrum methodology, due to the plan of carrying and implementing the most valuable functionalities in the initial stage, knowing the speed and capability of the team makes it easy to clear the risk of late delivery. Different Roles in a Scrum team Here is the list of the three most significant roles in a scrum team: 1. Scrum master This is the person who is responsible for leading the software development team with scrum methodology. The scrum master handles the compression of difficulties in the software development project and serves the Product Owner’s responsibility for efficiently maximizing the return of investment. 2. Product owner (PO) This person represents the customer or stakeholders of that software, and he works actively with the Scrum master to successfully launch the product in the market. 3. The team They are a group of professionals with the necessary technical knowledge to develop the project and jointly make it successful. Read our Popular Articles related to Software Development Why Learn to Code? How Learn to Code? How to Install Specific Version of NPM Package? Types of Inheritance in C++ What Should You Know? Conclusion Hence, Scrum is the most widely used software development and project management framework for managing different software development processes and stages. Its incremental, iterative, and fast product deployment feature is popular among all other agile product development methodologies. If you’re interested to learn more about full-stack development, check out upGrad & IIIT-B’s PG Diploma in Full-stack Software Development which is designed for working professionals and offers 500+ hours of rigorous training, 9+ projects, and assignments, IIIT-B Alumni status, practical hands-on capstone projects & job assistance with top firms. { "@context": "", "@type": "FAQPage", "mainEntity": [ { "@type": "Question", "name": "What is the Scrum Framework structure?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "The structure of the scrum framework is reasonably simple. It follows the 3-5-3 structure, three roles, five events, three artifacts. Adhering to this structure is very important, and one cannot overlook any aspect of the structure at all. The 3 roles consist of Product Owner, Scrum Master and Development Team. The 5 events consist of the sprint, sprint planning, scrum, Sprint Review, and Sprint Retrospective, and the 2 artifacts consist of Product Backlog, Sprint Backlog, and Product Increment. " } } , { "@type": "Question", "name": "What is the User Story?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "The user story is one of the product features in software development. A user story, the smallest unit of work in an agile framework, is an informal explanation of software features written in view of the end-user. User stories offer many benefits, such as connecting the end-user to team members, making changes to the user story is possible, the syntax of user story ensures to attain the benefit value that the user wants to achieve, etc. The primary purpose of the user story is to ascertain how a piece of work will deliver value to the customer. Scrum and Kanban are the agile frameworks in which stories fit perfectly well. User stories are added to sprints and burned down after their duration. " } } , { "@type": "Question", "name": "What are Scrum Artifacts?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "Scrum artifacts are information used by the scrum team to detail the product developed, actions taken to produce it, and actions performed during the project. The three artifacts used by scrum to manage work are product backlog, sprint backlog, and potentially releasable product increment. The product backlog is a list of everything we will need in a product. The sprint backlog is a list of goals that the team commits to achieve in a sprint. The team delivers a potentially releasable product increment at the end of every sprint. " } } ] }

by Rohan Vats

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05 Jun 2023

Kanban Vs Scrum: Difference Between Kanban and Scrum
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Kanban Vs Scrum: Difference Between Kanban and Scrum

If you’re in DevOps or are learning about Agile, then you would have surely heard of Kanban and Scrum. Both of them are strategies of agile development and are widely popular among developers. Scrum focuses on well-planned and short sprints whereas Kanban focuses on fluid and continuous work. The Kanban vs Scrum discussion is quite a prominent one, and this article shed more light on it. This article will help you understand the difference between Kanban and Scrum to help you remove any confusion. So, let’s begin. Check out our free courses to get an edge over the competition What Is Kanban ? Kanban is a unique method of management where you use visual systems. With this method, you’d visualize the process and the work going through the process. We implement Kanban to find potential bottlenecks and fix the same. Kanban focuses on ensuring that the process goes smoothly. It focuses heavily on visualization and limiting work in progress. Such teams aim to reduce the time it takes to complete the project by using a Kanban board and optimizing their workflow. Check out upGrad’s Advanced Certification in Cloud Computing  It is suitable for teams that receive many requests of varying sizes and priorities. Moreover, Kanban allows you to modify the project on the go, whereas Scrum requires you to keep things planned. Highlights Of Kanban Cadence Kanban keeps your team ready to adapt to varying priorities as it has a continuous workflow structure. Here, you’d use cards to represent work items on Kanban boards where they flow from one stage to another. Some of the prevalent workflow stages include In Progress, Blocked, To Do, Done, and Blocked. The biggest highlight of Kanban is it allows you to make custom workflows for your team. Custom workflows enable you to change things up according to your project’s dynamic requirements. Check out upGrad’s Advanced Certification in Cyber Security Release Method When you’re following the Kanban methodology, you release updates as soon as they are ready. They don’t follow any predetermined schedule. Kanban doesn’t require you to fix a time limit for completing a project. If you complete your project earlier, you can release it right away without waiting for the predetermined date. Roles In Kanban One of the biggest highlights of Kanban is the entire team shares equal levels of responsibility. They all own the Kanban board. While in Scrum, you have a Scrum master who is responsible for keeping the team aligned to the principles and running things smoothly, there is nothing of that sort in Kanban. Also Read Agile Methodology. What Is Scrum ? Scrum allows you to deliver value in a short time. You’d inspect the actual work repeatedly and rapidly. Scrum teams deliver their working software through determined sets called sprints. They aim to make learning loops to get customer feedback quickly so they can integrate the same. Scrum teams make special artifacts, adopt particular roles, and hold meetings regularly. With this methodology, your team commits to deliver some valuable increment by the end of every sprint. It focuses on small work increments to help you learn from the customer feedback and determine the following steps. As you would have noticed by now, there are many points of difference in Kanban vs Scrum. Here are the prominent highlights of Scrum so you can understand them better: upGrad’s Exclusive Software Development Webinar for you – SAAS Business – What is So Different? document.createElement('video');   Highlights Of Scrum Cadence Scrum is fast as the sprints usually last from a week to four weeks with fixed start and end dates. Such short timeframes force you to break down complicated tasks into small stories which in turn, allows your team to learn and understand them quickly. Sprint review, sprint planning, and retrospective meetings along with daily scrum meetings (also called standup meetings) keep the sprints punctual. These ceremonies are quite lightweight and take place regularly. Release Method Ad-hoc releases have become highly prevalent in Scrum these days however, it is best practice to release your product at the end of every sprint. Your team would set a goal for every sprint and then determines whether to release the product or not in the sprint review meeting. Roles In Scrum There are three roles in Scrum. First is the product owner who handles the product backlog, advocates for the clients, and enables in prioritizing the work. Then there is the Scrum master who helps the team in staying aligned to the scrum principles. Finally, you have the development team that chooses what work is there to do and delivers the required increments. Difference Between Kanban And Scrum The following points illustrate the difference between Kanban and Scrum. 1. Scrum focuses on planning as it begins with sprint planning and ends with sprint retrospective. Under this methodology, you’d hold many meetings to ensure that your team is on point and understands the priorities while learning from their past sprints. Kanban, on the other hand, allows you to change things on the go. It has less rigidity than Scrum and thus, allows you to change stuff more frequently. 2. When you’re following Scrum methodology, you’d focus on keeping time measurements of every sprint whereas Kanban recommends creating graphs to track your team’s progress. 3. Because Scrum focuses a lot on planning, every estimation you make has a lot of significance in Scrum. Kanban doesn’t require you to make estimations, which is a prominent difference between Kanban and Scrum. 4. You can divide large projects into small and manageable sprints in Scrum and so it can work well with a large team as well as a small team. Kanban, however, doesn’t work well with large teams and is best with small teams. 5. Even if a team member leaves, your project in scrum wouldn’t get disturbed but with Kanban, if a team member leaves during development, it would affect your project considerably. 6. Scrum requires experienced people so, if you’re working with beginners, your project might face a lot of issues. Kanban has a different issue here. It doesn’t give specific timeframes for every phase so your team wouldn’t have an idea of how much time they would have to spend in every phase of your project. 7. Scrum keeps the total cost of the project as minimum as possible, allowing you to get cheaper results. With Kanban, if your estimate turns out to be wrong, your project cost can shoot up substantially. Explore Our Software Development Free Courses Fundamentals of Cloud Computing JavaScript Basics from the scratch Data Structures and Algorithms Blockchain Technology React for Beginners Core Java Basics Java Node.js for Beginners Advanced JavaScript 8. Scrum facilitates proper communication and performance. However, with Kanban, your team would find it easier to achieve their goals because of its focus on visuals. 9. Scrum can adapt to market changes because it allows you to create short sprints and work according to the received feedback. Kanban is not as adaptive as Scrum is. Considerable changes in demand can cause its projects to fail very easily. 10. In Scrum, the scrum master is the primary problem solver. In Kanban, every team member shares responsibility as it views every one of them as a leader. 11. Scrum focuses heavily on scheduling. So, you can’t add new things to a running iteration. Kanban doesn’t have specific timeframes, so you can add new things to the iterations whenever possible. 12. Scrum is perfect for projects whose priorities change frequently or are variable. Kanban is suitable for projects with stable priorities that wouldn’t change. 13. Under Scrum, you’d measure the production through velocity whereas, in Kanban, you would measure production through cycle time. 14. You determine the deliverables by sprints in Scrum. On the other hand, you deliver products continuously in Kanban. Explore our Popular Software Engineering Courses Master of Science in Computer Science from LJMU & IIITB Caltech CTME Cybersecurity Certificate Program Full Stack Development Bootcamp PG Program in Blockchain Executive PG Program in Full Stack Development View All our Courses Below Software Engineering Courses Also Read: Agile Methodology Vs Scrum Methodology. Learn Software Courses online from the World’s top Universities. Earn Executive PG Programs, Advanced Certificate Programs, or Masters Programs to fast-track your career. In-Demand Software Development Skills JavaScript Courses Core Java Courses Data Structures Courses Node.js Courses SQL Courses Full stack development Courses NFT Courses DevOps Courses Big Data Courses React.js Courses Cyber Security Courses Cloud Computing Courses Database Design Courses Python Courses Cryptocurrency Courses Difference between Scrum board vs Kanban board While discussing the difference between Scrum and Kanban, we must consider the difference between their boards. Scrum boards have sprints, each with its start and stop dates. Since Kanban is a continuous process, there are no pre-defined dates, as there is no date-based planning.  The team leader handles the Scrum board, be it the Scrum master, manager, and so on, since the team roles are defined for all. The entire team owns the Kanban board, so they can make changes, deliver tasks, and collaborate accordingly. There are no pre-defined roles. A Scrum board is wiped and reused after each sprint during a single project. Since Kanban is ongoing, the board is used till the project’s end. Scrum operates using strict deadlines and pre-established tasks, which can be seen on the Scrum board, and there is little to no flexibility. On the other hand, Kanban boards are much more flexible since the timelines and tasks can be updated, reprioritized and reassigned as per the team’s needs. Kanban vs Scrum: When to Choose What? These tips should make it easier for you to choose the most suitable project management framework. When to Choose Kanban? If you are already working on a project and do not want to redo the entire work or make major changes, Kanban is better since it can easily merge with the pre-existing processes, including Scrum and will offer you the benefits of incorporating an Agile technique. Studies have shown adopting Kanban increases productivity, improves the speed of delivery, enhances visibility and establishes continuous improvement in organizations. When to Choose Scrum? You should go with Scrum if you work in industries that are prone to change, develop new products, release regular technology updates, or if projects depend on feedback and need the space to incorporate them. The short sprints will help you adapt to frequent changes properly. Project managers choose Scrum to take on complex projects. The technique has also been proven to drive faster delivery, higher quality, increased productivity and lower costs.  Try Using Scrumban If you cannot settle on one of the two, you can combine both to create Scrumban. It is a technique that uses Kanban visualization tools and the processes of Scrum to tackle projects. Research has shown 81% of Scrum Masters use Scrumban. Scrumban is a good choice if your team is familiar with at least one of the project management techniques and wants to incorporate the other to boost progress. Conclusion Kanban vs Scrum is quite a notable topic. However, with a clear understanding of the two, you can see how both of them have their distinct strengths and weaknesses. Some projects are better suited for Kanban while some are for Scrum. In the end, it all comes down to the specific requirements of the project and the team. We hope that you liked our article on the difference between Kanban and Scrum. If you have any questions or suggestions, please let us know through the comment section below. Overall, Agile practices/methods help create environments where the requirements are continually evolving and changing. Through a disciplined project-management approach, Agile methodology promotes and pushes the delivery of high-quality software that is aligned with customer needs. Read our Popular Articles related to Software Development Why Learn to Code? How Learn to Code? How to Install Specific Version of NPM Package? Types of Inheritance in C++ What Should You Know? Explore more about the Agile software development, check out upGrad’s Executive PG Program in Full Stack Software Development Course. { "@context": "", "@type": "FAQPage", "mainEntity": [ { "@type": "Question", "name": "What is Agile Development?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "Agile development is a software development methodology with a set of values, principles, and practices. The values are: Individuals and interactions over processes and tools Teamwork over contract negotiation Customer collaboration over contract negotiation Working software over comprehensive documentation Responding to change over following a plan The principles and practices include: Business people and developers must work together daily to make sure the software is built the way the customer wants. Iterative development is used to build the software in series of short development cycles with review and evaluation at the end of each cycle. Requirements and design are continually reviewed and refined. Only working software is delivered at the end of the development cycle. " } } , { "@type": "Question", "name": "What is Scrum?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "Agile frameworks are an integral part of developing complex software. They serve as a common language for everyone involved in the development process. The Agile frameworks include Extreme programming, Scrum, Crystal and Feature Driven Development among others. Scrum is a framework within which knowledge workers of all kinds (software engineers, architects, project managers, business analysts, etc.) can address complex adaptive problems. It is a framework that tries to be more empirical than other frameworks. Scrum is a 'buzzword'. Many people use the label Scrum but do not actually follow the Scrum framework. When we talk about Agile frameworks, we are talking about a set of processes, mostly practices, methodologies and tools. " } } , { "@type": "Question", "name": "What are the differences Kanban and Scrum?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "Kanban primarily focuses on how to implement the software development process and how to limit the work in progress. Scrum framework focuses on how to improve the software development process and how to manage the team. The software development process is the same for both the methodologies. The 3 main differences between Kanban and scrum is that Kanban is a methodology and scrum is a framework, Kanban primarily focuses on how to implement the software development process and how to limit the work in progress, and Scrum framework focuses on how to improve the software development process and how to manage the team. " } } ] }

by Rohan Vats

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02 Jun 2023

What is Cybersecurity? Definition, Types, Career, Job Roles & Salary
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What is Cybersecurity? Definition, Types, Career, Job Roles & Salary

The digital landscape worldwide is changing rapidly, and with it, there has been a concomitant rise in online threats. The Internet of Things (IoT) and the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic have increased our reliance on digital tools; no doubt, technology has proved to be a boon to us, but at the same time, it has fuelled incidences of cyber crimes, threats, risks, frauds, and vulnerabilities that have necessitated the need to adopt concrete cybersecurity measures. In fact, the global cybersecurity market is expected to see a CAGR of 10.9% during 2021-2028.  Check out our free courses to get an edge over the competition   Read on to know what is cybersecurity and if a career in cybersecurity is worth it. What is Cybersecurity? Just like physical security refers to protecting valuables in the real world, cybersecurity is the practice of protecting devices, data, and networks from unauthorised access and subsequent misuse. Corporate, government, military, health, and financial organisations store significant amounts of data on computers and other electronic devices, which can have negative consequences if exposed to unauthorized elements. In addition, organisations transmit sensitive data across networks to other devices that put the information at increased risks of online threats. In a nutshell, cybersecurity refers to the technologies, methods, and processes aimed at protecting the integrity and confidentiality of networks, data, and computer systems of organizations from internal and external threats. As the intensity, frequency, and sophistication of cybercrimes and scams grow, businesses and organizations incur huge losses. Consequently, they are compelled to channel their resources on sophisticated information security technologies to reinforce the security infrastructure. Check out upGrad’s Advanced Certification in DevOps Learn Online software development courses from the World’s top Universities. Earn Executive PG Programs, Advanced Certificate Programs, or Masters Programs to fast-track your career. Types of Cybersecurity Cybersecurity is a generalised term that incorporates several specific practice areas to defend IT assets from attack. While there are different ways to break down the types of cybersecurity, here are the most common types that you are more than likely to encounter in the field: 1. Information security Also referred to as data security, it is a set of practices to secure data from unauthorised access while it is being stored or transmitted from one device or physical location to another. 2. Application security Application security refers to using hardware and software methods to address threats that may arise during the development stage of applications. In other words, it looks for defects and breaches in the application code to enhance the security of apps. Firewalls, antivirus programs, and encryption programs are examples of application security. 3. Critical infrastructure security  Modern society relies on critical infrastructural facilities such as water purification, electricity grid, hospitals, traffic lights, etc., that are equally vulnerable to cyber attacks. The security of such vital infrastructure is essential for the well-being and safety of society and the businesses concerned with them. Check out upGrad’s Full Stack Development Bootcamp (JS/MERN)  Explore Our Software Development Free Courses Fundamentals of Cloud Computing JavaScript Basics from the scratch Data Structures and Algorithms Blockchain Technology React for Beginners Core Java Basics Java Node.js for Beginners Advanced JavaScript 4. Network security  Network security ensures that internal networks are secured from unauthorised intrusion, exploitation, modification, and other malicious intent. New passwords, extra logins, anti-spyware software, antivirus programs, and firewalls are examples of network security implementation. 5. Cloud security  Data stored in cloud resources are at an equal risk of cyber threats. Consequently, cloud security is a software-based security tool aimed at protecting and monitoring data in the cloud. Cloud security offers similar perks as the traditional on-premises data centres with the added advantages of minimal security breaches and reduced time and costs involved in maintaining huge data facilities. upGrad’s Exclusive Software Development Webinar for you – SAAS Business – What is So Different? document.createElement('video');   Cyber Security Career Scope  The volume and sophistication of cyber threats have led to the unprecedented popularity of a career in cybersecurity. Protecting data from cybercriminals by encapsulating it in multiple layers of security requires significant expertise. Hence, a career in cybersecurity looks highly promising and is in vogue. Both government and private enterprises demand professionals who have the knowledge and skills to protect sensitive organisational information from hackers and other cybercriminals. Along with investing in the right security tools, organisations hire motivated and talented cybersecurity professionals to plug all possible security gaps.  The need for cybersecurity professionals will only increase in the coming days. The Bureau of Labour Statistics forecasts that information security jobs will grow by 37% during 2012-2022, a significantly higher rate than the average for most other occupations. While the importance of computer science roles in IT jobs is a given, the added element of security has further made the cybersecurity job roles more sought after and critical than ever.   Explore our Popular Software Engineering Courses Master of Science in Computer Science from LJMU & IIITB Caltech CTME Cybersecurity Certificate Program Full Stack Development Bootcamp PG Program in Blockchain Executive PG Program in Full Stack Development View All our Courses Below Software Engineering Courses Job Roles If you are interested in a career in cybersecurity, it is imperative to know that the cybersecurity domain is continuously expanding, with new roles and job titles emerging almost every other day. Further, the roles and responsibilities attributed to the current titles are more than likely to evolve. You may even find variations on some common job titles with overlapping roles. However, it is important to remember that those job roles are bound to vary from company to company.  Here is a brief description of the various security job roles and titles you will come across in the public and private sectors: 1. Security Architect This job role involves designing a security system or its major components and heading the security design team to build the new security system. 2. Security Engineer This role is all about enhancing security capabilities and implementing improvements through security monitoring, security analysis, and forensic analysis. 3. Security Analyst Also known as an IT security analyst, this job role has multifaceted responsibilities such as planning, implementing, and upgrading security measures and controls, protecting digital files against unauthorised access and modification, conducting external and internal security audits, analysing security breaches, defining, implementing, and maintaining corporate security policies, and much more. In-Demand Software Development Skills JavaScript Courses Core Java Courses Data Structures Courses Node.js Courses SQL Courses Full stack development Courses NFT Courses DevOps Courses Big Data Courses React.js Courses Cyber Security Courses Cloud Computing Courses Database Design Courses Python Courses Cryptocurrency Courses 4. Security Software Developer Such professionals are given the task of developing security software such as tools for traffic analysis, monitoring, intrusion detection, malware/spyware/virus detection, and implementing security into applications software. 5. Security Administrator These professionals are responsible for installing and managing organisation-wide security systems. They install, administer, and troubleshoot the security solutions of the company.  6. Chief Information Security Officer  It is a management executive position for supervising the operations of an organisation’s entire information security division. The Chief Information Security Officer protects the organisation’s IT assets by directing and managing strategy, processes, and budget. 7. Cryptographer A cryptographer or cryptologist uses encryption technology to build security applications and software for securing sensitive information. They also contribute to research in developing robust encryption algorithms. 8. Cryptanalyst  While a cryptographer builds security software, a cryptanalyst analyses encrypted information and understands the code to identify the purpose of malicious software. 9. Security Specialist/Consultant  This job role encompasses one or all of the job titles discussed above. Overall, such professionals are tasked with the job of protecting networks, computers, software, data, and information systems from unauthorised access, spyware, malware, viruses, denial-of-service attacks, and a host of other cyber threats from organised crime groups and foreign elements. Read our Popular Articles related to Software Development Why Learn to Code? How Learn to Code? How to Install Specific Version of NPM Package? Types of Inheritance in C++ What Should You Know? Cyber Security Salary Range Besides an increasing demand for cybersecurity professionals, there is an acute shortage of proficient and trained individuals who can fill in the various cybersecurity job roles. Despite having a sizeable IT talent pool, India’s lack of skilled cybersecurity professionals is not out of the ordinary. Companies are willing to offer premium salary packages to cybersecurity professionals who are adequately trained and qualified to fulfil their current job roles.  Here are some of the popular cybersecurity jobs and their salary ranges in India: Job Role Average base salary in India (per annum) IT Security Architect INR 2,180,428 Security Engineer INR 601,329 Security Analyst INR 488,723 IT Security Administrator INR 498,879 Chief Information Security Officer INR 2,222,845 Cryptographer INR 900,000    Read more on cybersecurity salary in India. How to Become a Cybersecurity Engineer? As the world is moving towards online and cloud data storage, the need for cybersecurity is at its peak. As a result, there is an amplified need for trained professionals in the field.  If you ask what the best way to start a career in cybersecurity is, we would say that there is no one true path to begin your journey in the discipline. While getting a relevant degree is the first step, it is not the only eligibility criterion to kickstart your cybersecurity career path.  If you are looking for an online course to become a certified Cyber Security Engineer, you can go for the Advanced Certificate Programme in Cyber Security . The UGC-approved course is intended to help IT professionals and engineering graduates hone their soft skills and practical competencies required to excel in the field of cybersecurity.  Course Highlights: Course Duration: 13 months with 400+ hours of content, 7+ case studies and projects, 10+ live sessions focused on industry-relevant skills. Eligibility criteria: A relevant Bachelor’s Degree with a minimum of 50% marks (with or without coding experience). Pocket-friendly payment options to suit your needs. Choose between the Fresher course (0 to 1 year of experience) or the Mid-Senior level course (6+ years of experience) based on your career goals. Earn a certification in cybersecurity from IIITB. Face the industry with tailor-made career services, including one-on-one mentorship, career coaching, interviews, and job portals. Increase your chances of landing job roles in six specialised fields: Cybersecurity, Cloud Computing, Blockchain, Big Data, Full Stack, and DevOps. How To Apply? The enrollment process for the cybersecurity programme is quite simple and hassle-free! Step 1: Fill out an application and take the 20-minute online eligibility test. This part of the admission process is designed to test your aptitude in coding and mathematics. Step 2: Candidates will be shortlisted for the admission process based on their test scores and educational and professional background. Step 3: Make your payment and begin the course with full access to the study content. What is threat in cyber security? Phishing attacks These types of cyber-attacks involve tricking users into clicking malicious links, which can lead to the theft of sensitive data and information. Malware attacks They are malicious software that can negatively affect the software and computer devices. They can also steal the information, hijack devices, or launch attacks. Denial-of-service As the name suggests, this type of attack prevents the users from accessing the system or service.  Ransomware attacks It encrypts the file or systems and demands ransoms to decrypt them. Man-in-the-middle attacks These are a type of attacks which intercepts the communications between two parties.  SQL injection These types of cyber attacks exploit the vulnerabilities in web applications. This code can be useful for viewing, deleting, or modifying the data in a database. This is what cybersecurity protects. Conclusion The widespread use of the internet, social media and digital tools/domains have put both individuals and organisations at an increased risk of cyber threats. In other words, anyone using the internet runs the risk of being exposed to cybercrimes, and there seems to be no escape. However, companies are leaving no stone unturned to tackle the menace. The scope of cybersecurity has increased manifold in recent years and is likely to remain that way for as long as cyber crimes exist. Given the times, a career in cybersecurity is not only flourishing but extremely rewarding in terms of job satisfaction as well as salary. The demand for trained cybersecurity professionals is on the rise, and one of the best ways to learn the necessary skills is to sign up for a genuine certification programme. So, what are you waiting for? Find the best cybersecurity certification on upGrad with the Executive PG Programme in Software Development – Specialisation in Cyber Security and learn from the best instructors and industry mentors! { "@context": "", "@type": "FAQPage", "mainEntity": [ { "@type": "Question", "name": "", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "" } } , { "@type": "Question", "name": "1. What is ethical hacking?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "Hacking into a computer system or network to uncover security weaknesses that a hostile hacker could exploit is known as ethical hacking. Ethical hackers employ the same tactics and tools as malevolent hackers, but with the approval of the system owner and with the goal of enhancing security. Identifying and fixing vulnerabilities before they can be exploited by malicious hackers, improving the security of a system or network, testing the security of a system or network, educating users about the risks of online security threats, and detecting and deterring cybercrime are just a few of the various reasons for ethical hacking. " } } , { "@type": "Question", "name": "2. Why should I learn Ethical hacking?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "It would help if you learned ethical hacking for a variety of reasons. The first is that it is a highly sought-after ability. As more firms move their operations online, ethical hackers will be needed to help safeguard them against cyberattacks. The second reason is that ethical hacking might assist you in preserving your personal computer and internet accounts. You can find flaws in your systems and patch them before thieves exploit them if you understand how to hack. Finally, ethical hacking can be a fascinating and enjoyable pastime. It's a means to learn about computer systems' inner workings and to delve into the world of cybercrime. " } } , { "@type": "Question", "name": "3. Why is hacking illegal and harmful?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "Illegal hacking operations often violate one or more of the laws listed below. When a hacker gains unauthorized access to a system or network without the system or network owner's express authorization, this is known as hacking. This involves accessing material that isn't meant for public consumption, such as user passwords, credit card details, and other private data. Hacking can also entail tampering with or altering data that was not meant to be changed. This could entail removing or corrupting files, as well as fabricating data. It also includes the theft of services, such as sending spam emails or launching a denial-of-service attack without permission on someone's computer. Finally, it involves the destruction of data, which can cause significant financial damage or disrupt critical business operations. " } } ] } { "@context": "", "@type": "FAQPage", "mainEntity": [ { "@type": "Question", "name": "What are the top skills required in the field of cyber security?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "The top skills required in cyber security are Problem-solving, Technical aptitude, Knowledge of security systems, Attention to detail, and Communication skills." } } , { "@type": "Question", "name": "Who are the top recruiters for cyber security?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "The top recruiters are Nexus IT Group, Alta Associates, Redbud, and Michael Page." } } , { "@type": "Question", "name": "What is the average salary for a cyber security professional?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "The average salary for a cyber security professional is 11.1 lakhs per annum." } } ] }

by Rohan Vats

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01 Apr 2023

Top 19 Online Certificate Courses With High Salary in India [2024]
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Top 19 Online Certificate Courses With High Salary in India [2024]

If you’re someone who’s pursued the conventional education path all your life – physical classrooms and face-to-face learning – it is natural to be sceptical about online courses. Even if a large chunk of the young population is tech-savvy, not many can readily get on board with the concept of online education. The most common questions that arise in their minds while considering online courses are: “Do they promise a similar learning experience as on-campus, classroom courses?” “Are online certifications acknowledged by companies?” “Will the course fit my present lifestyle and budget?” Lucky for you, the answer to each of these questions is YES! Check out our free courses to get an edge over the competition. If you ask yourself ‘why learn online courses’, with reputed colleges, universities, and learning institutes offering cutting-edge online programs, you can expect a wholesome learning experience from most online courses. While it’s true that online courses weren’t exactly the rage a decade ago, times have changed now – companies all across the globe acknowledge online certifications from reputed and established learning institutions. You can also consider doing our Python Bootcamp course from upGrad to upskill your career. As for the third question, the entire concept of online courses is to sync with your existing lifestyle and educational/professional choices. Since online courses are much cheaper than classroom programs, they are designed to fit well within your budget. If you still want to learn more and wondering if you should learn online courses, we can safely concur that you are open to learning more about the perks of online programs. Stick with us till the end and you’ll even get to know about the best online courses that promise high annual packages! Why Should You Learn Online Courses? Top 4 reasons to learn online courses in India: 1. They Are Budget-Friendly Since online courses are completely offered digitally, there’s no expenditure to maintain and run a physical educational institution. Students also do not have to incur any accommodation and travel expenses as they can continue their classes online from the comfort of their homes. These reasons make it possible for institutions to offer online courses at a much affordable cost than on-campus courses. Also, check Advanced Certification in Cyber Security from IIIT – B 2. They Promise Flexibility One of the best aspects of online learning is that they are designed to fit right into your schedule. Whether it is family matters or professional commitments, online courses allow you to juggle your existing responsibilities and priorities while pursuing your education. You can set classes and participate in peer-to-peer learning activities in batches/timings that suit your timetable. 3. They Offer a Wide Range Of Specializations Although online learning wasn’t a very popular concept a few years back, people’s perspectives have changed with time. Today, online learning institutes throughout the country have accreditations from reputed universities/colleges. As a result, students have the liberty to choose from a diverse range of specializations, right from mainstream subjects (Languages, Finance, Accounting, Mathematics, Economics, etc.) to trending subjects (Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Cybersecurity, Cloud Computing, etc). 4. They Allow You To Learn And Re-learn Typically, classroom courses are a one-time learning experience wherein you must brace yourself with the study flow of the entire batch of students. There’s hardly any scope to pause, review, or repeat any concept to suit your individual needs – everything has to be done within the time-bound limitations of the program curriculum. Unlike this, online learning offers you ample scope to learn and progress at your preferred pace. You can schedule individual learning classes with instructors for resolving your doubts. Improves resume: The online certificate courses enhance your expertise that you can showcase in your resume. This helps potential employers to gauge your skills and increases your odds of obtaining a well-paid job. Improving your resume after completing a relevant online course explores various career options after 12th commerce.   Networking opportunities: Professionals with the online certification can seamlessly connect with their peer group and create a strong network. The broader network helps in problem-solving, engaging interactions, and improvement of technical expertise. Consequently, it boosts their career graph and helps them explore many relevant career options after 12th commerce. Also visit upGrad’s Degree Counselling page for all undergraduate and postgraduate programs. Top Online Courses To Look Out for Data Science And Machine Learning Let’s check out the best online certificate courses in India in data science and machine learning. 1. Master Of Science In Machine Learning And AI This 18-month course boasts of being India’s only online M.Sc in ML and AI for professionals. Recognized by the WES (World Education Services), the program includes over 30 case studies and 10 capstone projects. Learners are taught by seasoned and experienced mentors from Liverpool John Moores University, UK. Important topics covered include Statistics and Exploratory Data Analytics, Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, Deep Learning, and Reinforcement Learning. Students also learn about various research methodologies and also submit a Master’s dissertation in the final week. This online certification course intends to satisfy the professionals’ demand in the various areas of computer science. It does the same by providing in-depth training in cloud computing, data science, and Artificial Intelligence applications. It offers relevant knowledge to develop and test software and information systems. Hence, you can design high-powered software applications, intelligent systems programs, and security methods. The course’s modules help students to explore the applications and techniques of AI, deep learning, and machine learning. So, they can analyze high-level programming languages and contemporary software development. 2. PG Diploma In Data Science Built for working professionals, this 12-month course is perfect for aspirants who wish to master the fundamentals of Data Science. It covers more than 60 projects and 14 programming tools to help learners gain a hands-on learning experience. What’s more, you can choose from five specialization tracks, namely, deep learning, natural language processing, business intelligence/data analytics, business analytics, and data engineering. On course completion, you will be ready for promising Data Science job profiles like Data Analyst, Data Scientist, Data Engineer, and Machine Learning Engineer. The related specializations are Data visualization with R, Big Data Analytics, Business Intelligence, Business Analytics, Machine Learning, Python programming, and Data warehousing. You will have plenty of career options in commerce after completing this course. Some of the prominent job roles are Data Scientist, Machine Learning Engineer, Business Intelligence Developer, Business Analyst, Enterprise Architect, Data Engineer, etc. 3. PG Diploma In Machine Learning And AI This 12-month diploma course covers fundamental Data Science and ML topics into eight modules, including Data Science Tool Kit, Statistics and Exploratory Data Analytics, Machine Learning – I, Machine Learning – II, Natural Language Processing, Deep Learning, Reinforcement Learning, and Deployment & Capstone Projects. Also, learners get to complete case studies, live projects, and various Data Science assignments using tools like Python, Keras, TensorFlow, Scikit-Learn, MySQL, NLTK, and AWS. The course promises 360-degree career support by offering dedicated mentorship from industry experts, peer-to-peer networking, hackathons, etc. This course’s graduates can be employed in public as well as private organizations. So, it unlocks various career options in commerce. After completing this course, you can explore some prevalent job roles include: Artificial Intelligence Engineer, Business Analyst, AI Developer, etc. This course imparts machine learning algorithms to help you develop a model depending on sample data. Hence, you can make relevant decisions or predictions. Management Let’s check out the best online certificate courses in India in management. 4. Post Graduate Diploma In Management (PGDM) This 2-year management course is divided into four specialization tracks – Business Management, Retail Management, Banking Insurance & Finance Service, and Information Technology – divided into six trimesters. Topics covered include Marketing Management, HR Management, Financial Management, Managerial Economics, Managerial Accounting, Organizational Behavior, Data Analytics, Statistics, Strategic Management, and Supply Chain Management. On course completion, students receive a PDGM certification from BIMTECH, one of the top private B-schools in India. 5. PG Program In Management (PGPM) This 11-month program is ideal for sales/marketing professionals, managers, IT experts, and entrepreneurs looking for an in-depth understanding of management and leadership. The course teaches the fundamentals of management such as business growth strategies, marketing strategies, interpersonal and communication skills, strategic thinking and planning, leadership, structured thinking & problem-solving, time management, and project management. Learners are encouraged to gain practical experience by working on case studies, live projects, and offline peer-to-peer networking events. The best part about this program is that apart from receiving a PGPM certification from IMT Ghaziabad, it opens up a plethora of employment opportunities on the global front. PGPM entails topics like Marketing Management, Finance Accounting, Macroeconomics, Microeconomics, Communication skills, Corporate finance, Operations Management, and Business Laws. These fields can prove to be well-paying if you judiciously choose one of the best career options after 12th commerce. It is one of the best online courses in India. 6. Executive Program In Blockchain Technology Management This 5-month program focuses on one of the most trending topics in the industry right now – Blockchain technology. The course takes an application-based learning approach by training students to think and act like a Blockchain consultant. If you are wondering which online course certificate is valuable in India, blockchain technology is one of the best ones. It covers relevant matters like Blockchain Technology Management, Blockchain Network & Architecture, Blockchain Delivery & BRD creation, and Blockchain Testing. Additionally, learners work on case studies, assignments, and offline workshops to build their real-world Blockchain skills. Obtaining this certification will make you eligible for promising profiles like Blockchain Consultant, Business and Integration Architect, Blockchain Consulting (Solution Design & Implementation), and Blockchain (Program Manager & Product Manager). 7. Product Management Certification Program This 6-month course is divided into three specialization tracks – Growth Product Management, Data Science for Product Management, and Digital Transformation. It offers in-depth knowledge on core Product Management topics, including Product Analytics, Retention & Engagement Growth Strategies, Acquisition & Activation Strategies, Monetization Strategies, Introduction to Data Science PM Role, Fundamentals of Data, Analytics & Statistics, Data Visualization & Data Pipelines, Design Thinking for PMs, and Main Pillars of Digital Transformation, to name a few. The course also includes more than 15 case studies, projects, and live Q&A sessions with top mentors and industry leaders. The subject matter for this course is designed by experienced professionals and the course is delivered by knowledgeable mentors. Real-life case studies and live question-answer sessions are a part of the curriculum. The key skills imparted are Introduction to Data Science PM, Monetization strategies, Market research, Product Development and planning, Data visualization and Pipelines, analytics, and user design. Completing this course makes the candidates eligible for job roles like Associate Product Manager, Product analyst, and Product Marketing Manager. These are the best career options after 12th commerce after completing the Product Management Certification Program. 8. Global Master Certificate In Integrated Supply Chain Management (ISCM) This 6-month course aims to teach students about crucial components of the supply chain, including how to integrate the ley wings of the supply chain (procurement, operations, and logistics management), implement the best-suited supply chain design for a business/company, streamline logistical processes by redesigning the market distribution strategy development, execution, and management, and boost a company’s competitive advantage by integrating IT with logistics. On course completion, learners receive a Global Master’s Certificate in ISCM from Michigan State University that ranks #1 for Supply Chain/Logistics programs. It helps you to participate in industry-oriented projects and live online sessions on logistics management, operations management, supply chain management, and strategic sourcing for an organization. It is one of the best online courses in India if you want to embark on a career in supply chain management. 9. Global Professional Certificate In Effective Leadership & Management This 3-month program takes the application-based learning approach to help candidates become competent leaders/managers. It covers all the fundamentals of leadership management, analytical problem-solving, and teaches learners how to apply different management and leadership theories for specific business challenges. Students get plenty of opportunities to engage in live discussion boards, quizzes, and interactive sessions with the faculty. The course is taught by top-ranking instructors and mentors of Michigan State University. This program covers the MindLeap problem-solving technique and imparts an understanding of the problem-solving process. This is one of the recommended online courses in India if you want to be an expert in leadership and management. It trains candidates on how to manage various teams, take decisions, assign tasks to team members, supervise results, and more. Moreover, it teaches conflict management how to eliminate obstacles the team members may face. Software Engineering Let’s check out the best online certificate courses in India in software engineering. 10. Master Of Science In Computer Science This 18-month master’s course focuses on helping aspirants gain in-depth knowledge of Computer Science, particularly Software Development. Students learn about the essentials of programming, including OOP, Data Structures, Full-Stack Development, Big Data, etc. The course offers six specializations – Big Data, Cloud Computing, Blockchain Development, DevOps, Full-Stack Development, and Cybersecurity. By the end of the course, students are well-versed with the nitty-gritty of computing systems, advanced programming, and research methodologies in Computer Science and Software Development. 11. PG Certification In Front-End Development  This is a 7-month course that covers Requirements Identification, Design and Prototyping, Integration and Testing, Module-level Implementation & Unit Testing, Data Structures, User Interfaces, User Experience, etc. Students work on collaborative projects, case studies, and assignments using a host of tools like Java, Git, IntelliJ IDEA, JUnit, HTML, and CSS to sharpen their real-world skills. 12. PG Certification In Big Data  Another 7-month certification program, this course teaches students the basics of Big Data with a special focus on Python. Students are introduced to the vast range of Python libraries and trending Big Data tools like Hadoop, Hive, HBase, Spark, and Kafka. Additionally, they learn about distributed systems, programming models, distributed algorithms, distributed programming patterns, Big Data processing, batch processing vs. stream processing, in-memory processing, data warehousing, NoSQL and object databases, etc. 13. PG Diploma In Full Stack Development This 12-month course teaches students everything they need to know about Full Stack Development. They learn how to build scalable websites, backend APIs, and Interactive Web UIs through courses of live lectures and interactive online learning sessions with faculty members and industry leaders. The curriculum includes several case studies and assignments and a complete suite of tools required to work on Full-Stack projects. This diploma certification will make you eligible for promising profiles such as Frontend Developer, Full-Stack Developer, UI Developer, and Backend Developer. It lays the foundation for developing full-stack web apps through the Java programming language. It begins with the fundamentals of JavaScript. The later sections discuss advanced topics like Spring Boot, Angular, Hibernate, MVC, and JSPs. It is one of the perfect online diploma courses in India to kick-start your career as a full-stack web developer. Some of the important topics students learn include application frameworks, object-oriented programming, UI/UX & Data structures, and Version Control Systems (VCS). It imparts various technologies that can help you at each stage of software development. 14. PG Diploma In Cloud Computing. This 12-month diploma program aims to teach students how to excel in Cloud Computing. They learn the basics of developing Cloud infrastructure, Data Structures, and Algorithms, building/deploying native Cloud applications, using Virtual Machines (VMs), etc. Since Cloud Computing is an in-demand skill in the present job market, this certification will enable candidates to build their career as Cloud Architect, Cloud Engineer, Cloud Software Developer, and Cloud Administrator. It provides candidates with data required for configuring and administering Cloud Deployment, OS Server, and Cloud Security. It also imparts skills required to defend and recover computer networks and systems from different security threats in Cloud or dedicated environments. In addition to basics, it also covers the associate level, like Architect Solutions. It offers an in-depth overview of Microsoft Azure core services, cloud concepts, architecture, security, and pricing. Moreover, it includes the fundamentals of developing IT infrastructure on Microsoft Azure. With this course, solution architects can learn how to optimize their usage of the Microsoft Azure Cloud and how to fit into the Cloud-based solutions. You can pursue this online course if you are interested in Cloud computing but are confused about what should I do after 12th commerce. 15. PG Diploma In DevOps This 12-month program specializes in DevOps, covering industry-specific matters like best DevOps practices, creating software lifecycles, SDLC processes, and developing and maintaining CICD pipelines. Students gain in-depth knowledge of agile methodology for integration & deployment while working on real-world projects. After course completion, candidates can bag job roles like DevOps Engineer, Software Engineer, Backend Developer, Software Developer, Security Engineer, and Automation Architect. This DevOps certification training hones your data science related skills. It teaches how to formalize and document the development processes and prepare a self-documenting system. It also covers the use of advanced tools like SaltStack, Puppet, and Ansible that help automated management and self-governance at a scale. It helps develop a powerful network of opportunities that helps to connect experienced fellow learners and DevOps industry experts. It offers theoretical and practical understanding through its cutting-edge curriculum. You can pursue this course if you are interested in accelerating your career in the DevOps industry but are confused about .what should I do after 12th commerce. Not just these programs but upGrad have also partnered with the top Institutes in India Like IIT Delhi to bring the best programs online. IIT Delhi Programs are: Executive Management Programme in Strategic Innovation, Digital Marketing and Business Analytics Advanced Certificate Programme in Machine Learning 16. Data Analytics Data Analytics is highly in demand and when you have done the courses in the field of data analytics, it increases your chances of getting good job opportunities. It is one of the advanced online courses with certificates in India. The top skills required in the field of data analytics are SQL, Programming, Statistical analysis, Data visualisation, and Econometrics. It is one of the best online courses with certificates which increases the chances of getting good salaries 4.2 lakhs per annum. 17. Penetration Testing The penetration hackers help in preventing hackers and cyberattacks. The best online courses with certificates require penetration testers to help protect their organisation. The top skills required for Penetration Tester are Network and Application Security, Threat Modelling, Programming Languages, and Security Asset Tools. It is one of the high-paying online certificate courses in India. The average salary of a Penetration Tester is 5.0 lakhs per annum. 18. Computer Network It is one of the best online courses with certificates in India which helps in increasing career opportunities. The top skills required for Computer Network professionals are Scripting, Network Security, Web development, Data Management, etc. 19. Agile and Scrum A skilled Agile and Scrum professional helps in leading an agile team quite successfully. It is one of the high-paying online certification courses in India. Agile and scrum professionals help in having an edge over their counterparts. To skills required for agile and scrum professionals are facilitation skills, conflict resolution, problem-solving, time management and organisational skills. It is one of the best online certification courses which yields high salaries. The average salary for the Agile Project Manager is 20.4 lakhs per annum. Conclusion That brings us to the end of our discussion – the best online courses you should consider pursuing! Online certificate courses in India provides a flexible schedule, updated course material, lesser cost, learning at your own pace, and providing the opportunity to upskill yourself without leaving your job. If you plan to learn online courses, there are so many factors to consider. Each of these online courses assures 360-degree career support, including dedicated mentor feedback, timely resolution of doubts, personalized feedback, mock interviews, P2P interactive sessions, and other constructive activities to enrich the online learning experience. { "@context": "", "@type": "FAQPage", "mainEntity": [ { "@type": "Question", "name": "Will online learning prove to be a boon or bane in the education industry?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "Change is inevitable but not all changes are for betterment. The foremost form of education used to be in the form of storytelling which was passed on through generations with human connection and positive relations. The need for convenience and multitasking gave birth to the online mode of learning which was further raised by COVID-19. With the lack of social touch and feeling of social belongingness, online learning presented us with a whole new picture of the virtual world. Virtual classrooms, virtual attendance, digital notes, online exams and whatnot, are now part of a daily routine of an average school or university student. Online learning being boon or bane is dependent upon how one uses it. " } } , { "@type": "Question", "name": "What to look for while selecting an online course?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "Innumerable websites are offering similar or different courses in online form. Several options being at the fingertips create a bizarre situation for the learner to choose. Upon deciding on the course based on interest, firstly compare the prices of different websites taking into account the resources and content they offer and also go through the curriculum carefully. Most importantly see the reviews of past students. " } } , { "@type": "Question", "name": "Does the company value online and offline learning equally when it comes to hiring?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "Today’s world is transforming into a digital world. Borders no more define the boundary for education. Many prestigious universities are promoting online learning. Recruiters would search for someone who is well skilled as well as adept in the digital world. Moreover, various sought after skills can be smoothly procured along with a job or full-time degree course. It will not only save time and cost for the recruiter but also for the candidate besides providing them with an edge over others. " } } ] } { "@context": "", "@type": "FAQPage", "mainEntity": [ { "@type": "Question", "name": "What are the top skills required for Digital Marketing?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "The top skills required in the field of digital marketing are SEO, SEM, Content Creation, Creativity, CRM, Social Media, and more." } } , { "@type": "Question", "name": "What are the top skills required for Biotechnology?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "The top skills required in the field of Biotechnology are problem-solving, teamwork, analytical, innovation, investigative mind, attention to detail, and more." } } , { "@type": "Question", "name": "What are the top skills required for DevOps?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "The top skills required in the field of DevOps are Linux, Security, Coding, Scripting, Cloud skills and Testing. " } } ] }

by Rohan Vats

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01 Apr 2023

Top 11 Cyber Security Skills Employers Are Looking For [2024]
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Top 11 Cyber Security Skills Employers Are Looking For [2024]

The demand for cybersecurity professionals is on the rise. According to a report by Indeed, the searches for cybersecurity-related roles grew by 30% from February to May 2020. During the pandemic, the number of cyberattacks on organizations and individuals increased substantially, due to which the demand for skilled professionals in this field has increased considerably. To become a cybersecurity professional, you’ll need to develop several skills. Figuring out which skills you should learn can be confusing so we have prepared the following article, which covers the necessary skills for cybersecurity professionals. Check out our free courses to get an edge over the competition  Top Cyber Security Skills 1. Programming Skills First, you should be familiar with multiple programming languages. Some of the prominent programming languages include Python, Java, PHP, and .NET. Every programming language has its specific applications and advantages. For example, PHP will help you work with servers and analyze their security requirements. On the other hand, Python has many libraries for numerous applications which it’s a must-have for any cybersecurity professional.  By learning multiple programming languages, you’d get to develop coding skills at the same time. Good coders focus on reducing the lines of code they write for performing an action to reduce potential errors.  Check out upGrad’s Java Bootcamp 2. Operating Systems An operating system (OS) is a software solution that communicates with the hardware. It also allows other software programs to run on the device. Microsoft Windows, macOS, and Linux are some of the most prominent operating systems. An operating system would allow the user to manage input and output, and manage the memory, process, and files of the device.  You should know how to work with operating systems and their ins and outs. Understanding the basic components of an operating system helps you understand the weaknesses and potential exploits of the solution. Many hackers and malware focus on identifying the weaknesses of these operating systems so you should be familiar with them. It’s among the most important cybersecurity skills.  3. Networking and Virtualization A network allows multiple computer devices to share information and data through digital interconnections. Networking is a vital skill for cybersecurity because, like operating systems, malicious elements try to find weaknesses in a network to breach the same.  Understanding how a network works and what are its components will help you learn about network security, a prominent branch of cybersecurity. Network security refers to the specific configurations and rules which safeguard a computer network and its data through hardware and software solutions. Explore Our Software Development Free Courses Fundamentals of Cloud Computing JavaScript Basics from the scratch Data Structures and Algorithms Blockchain Technology React for Beginners Core Java Basics Java Node.js for Beginners Advanced JavaScript Check out upGrad’s Full Stack Development Bootcamp (JS/MERN)  Another related skill is virtualization which is the process of creating a virtual software machine within a device. A virtual machine has its particular RAM, CPU, and memory capabilities and is separate from the software of the physical device it resides on. By learning virtualization, you can create multiple virtual machines within one computer.  Virtualization is one of the most important skills for cybersecurity professionals because it allows them to run tests without requiring additional hardware or resources.  ” upGrad’s Exclusive Software Development Webinar for you – SAAS Business – What is So Different? document.createElement('video'); ”   4. Analytics and Intelligence Analytics is the process of analyzing data and generating insights from it. You should know how to perform analytics and find out the areas you need to work the most on. Being familiar with the basic concept of analytics and intelligence will help you in learning cybersecurity analytics, which focuses on using data attribution, analysis, and aggregation to get the required information to plan out future implementations.  To understand the basics of analytics, you can brush up on your knowledge of statistics. Learning statistics will provide you with a solid foundation to study the advanced concepts of cybersecurity analytics.  5. Intrusion Detection Cybersecurity professionals must know how to detect an intrusion event and act accordingly. You should be familiar with IDS (Intrusion Detection System) and know how to use them.  An IDS is a software solution or a device that monitors a system for policy violations or malicious activity. There are multiple types of intrusion detection systems:  Perimeter Intrusion Detection System (PIDS) Network Intrusion Detection System (NIDS) Host-based Intrusion Detection System (HIDS) An IDS would identify the malicious event and report it to the network or system administrator. It might also record the event and store it in the Security Information and Event Management System.  Companies expect you to be familiar with the functions of an IDS and all kinds of this technology. You would be using it all the time as a cybersecurity professional that’s why it’s among the most important cybersecurity skills.  Explore our Popular Software Engineering Courses Master of Science in Computer Science from LJMU & IIITB Caltech CTME Cybersecurity Certificate Program Full Stack Development Bootcamp PG Program in Blockchain Executive PG Program in Full Stack Development View All our Courses Below Software Engineering Courses 6. Digital Forensics Digital forensics refers to the processes which help you analyze a cyber attack or security breach and identify the probable culprit. You should be familiar with the various digital forensics tools used in the industry and how to use them. They will help you find anomalies, data, malicious activities on the network and act accordingly.  7. Application Security Development Apart from working with existing systems and devices, you might also have to work with in-development solutions. In application security development, a cybersecurity professional has to test the application and identify the potential weaknesses which might get exploited. They find, fix, and prevent vulnerabilities.  As more and more companies are focused on released applications, the demand for application security development is also increasing. That’s why you should add this skill to your arsenal. You should know how to test an application and analyze its performance to find its weaknesses.  In-Demand Software Development Skills JavaScript Courses Core Java Courses Data Structures Courses Node.js Courses SQL Courses Full stack development Courses NFT Courses DevOps Courses Big Data Courses React.js Courses Cyber Security Courses Cloud Computing Courses Database Design Courses Python Courses Cryptocurrency Courses 8. SIEM Management SIEM stands for Security Incident and Event Management. It’s a security management method where you combine a Security Information Management System with a Security Event Management System. A SIEM solution would collect data in real-time and analyze the security threats and identify the related events. The solution would also identify patterns of suspicious behaviour to help you identify probable threats and sources of danger for your system. It’s one of the strongest tools in a cybersecurity professional arsenal. You’d know how to generate insights from its analytics, that’s why we added it as one of the most important cybersecurity skills.  With a SIEM, you can expose potential unknown and known threats, get reports, back up the incident response, and monitor the regulated activity. 9. Threat Intelligence Analysis  It is referred to as the analysis of data using tools and techniques which help to generate meaningful information about existing and emerging threats. Threat intelligence helps organisations with valuable knowledge, helps in building effective defense mechanisms, and mitigates the possible risks that could threaten the finance, privacy, and data of the organisation. A cyber intelligence threat analyst is responsible for monitoring and analysing the cyber threat data to provide actionable intelligence.  There are various types of threat intelligence, such as- Strategic Tactical  Technical  Operational  The cyber security analyst skills are technical expertise, communication, problem-solving, etc. 10. Cloud Security  Cloud Security is a responsibility shared between the cloud provider and the customer. It is useful in protecting the cloud service environments, data held in the cloud, applications running in the cloud, etc.  There are two main points attached to cloud security, such as the cloud service types and the cloud environments. Third-party providers usually provide cloud service types. Some of those are Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS), and Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS).  On the other hand, Cloud environments are the deployment models in which one or more cloud services create a system for the end users. Some cloud environments are public, private third-party cloud environments, private in-house cloud environments, multi-cloud environments, hybrid cloud environments, etc. Some top cyber security skills required from cloud security professionals are DevOps, Information Security, Python and Ruby, and Network and Application Security. 11. Risk Management  It is one of the most valuable processes as it helps in identifying, assessing, and controlling financial, legal and strategic risks of the organisation. These risks could stem from various sources, such as financial and legal liabilities, management errors, etc.  There are various processes in place to carry forward the risk  management process, such as- Risk identification, Risks analysis, Risk assessment,  Risk mitigation, Risk monitoring  Some of the common responses which work toward risk mitigation are- Risk avoidance Risk acceptance  Risk-retention  Risk sharing  Risk transfer  Some of the top skills required for cyber security for risk management are- Analytical  Problem-solving  People Management  Financial  Relationship building  Regulation knowledge  Risk quantification Read our Popular Articles related to Software Development Why Learn to Code? How Learn to Code? How to Install Specific Version of NPM Package? Types of Inheritance in C++ What Should You Know? How to Learn The Necessary Skills for Cyber Security As you must have seen by now, there are multiple skills you must learn to become a cybersecurity professional. We know it can be pretty challenging to learn all of these skills at once without a proper structure or guidance. That’s why we recommend taking a cybersecurity course.  upGrad’s PG Certification in Cybersecurity and PG Diploma in Cybersecurity will teach you all the necessary skills and subjects you need to become a professional. You’ll get to learn directly from industry experts through live video sessions. The course gives you IIIT Bangalore alumni status and access to work class faculty members.  Some of the prominent skills our course covers include: Cryptography, Data secrecy Network security Application security You only need to have a bachelor’s degree with 50% or more marks to be eligible for this program. It doesn’t require you to have any coding experience. By the end of this course, you’d be familiar with many cybersecurity technologies including Git, Python, Java, and Amazon Web Service (AWS).  Conclusion Cybersecurity professionals are like the security force of an organization. They stave off all unwanted and malicious parties through their implemented technologies. By learning the cybersecurity skills we discussed in this article, you can easily become an in-demand professional.  Learn Software Development Courses online from the World’s top Universities. Earn Executive PG Programs, Advanced Certificate Programs or Masters Programs to fast-track your career. { "@context": "", "@type": "FAQPage", "mainEntity": [ { "@type": "Question", "name": "How do you respond to security breaches?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "A security breach occurs when unauthorized individuals gain access to or steal sensitive, confidential, or private data. Hacking, malware, and social engineering are all tactics that can lead to security breaches. It is critical to respond swiftly and effectively when a security incident occurs. This includes securing the damaged region, determining the source of the breach, and taking preventative measures to avoid future violations. It is critical to build a plan for the future after the breach has been assessed. Steps to improve security and prevent future intrusions should be included in this plan. " } } , { "@type": "Question", "name": "How do you set up basic security for your operating system?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "You may set up security for your operating system in a few different ways. Create a password for your user account as one option. Other users will not be able to log into your account without your consent. Enabling a firewall is another technique to increase security. Unauthorized individuals will be unable to access your computer if you employ a firewall. Antivirus software can also be installed to safeguard your computer against malware and other viruses. " } } , { "@type": "Question", "name": "How do you detect the breach in your security?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "There are several methods for detecting a security breach, each with its own set of benefits and drawbacks. Network traffic is being monitored for evidence of unauthorized access. This can be done with the help of a network intrusion detection system (NIDS), which monitors traffic patterns for signs of an assault. Keep an eye on system logs for any indications of unauthorized activity. System logs can reveal which users have signed in to the system, which files they've accessed, and what actions they've taken—conducting security audits to identify system vulnerabilities. Security audits can reveal system flaws that attackers could take advantage of—detecting unusual activity with security monitoring technologies. Security monitoring technologies can spot conduct out of the ordinary for a user, which could indicate a security breach. " } } ] } { "@context": "", "@type": "FAQPage", "mainEntity": [ { "@type": "Question", "name": "Will cybersecurity be in demand in 2023?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "In today’s digital world, the cybersecurity industry will be in demand. Cybersecurity is going to help protect `organisations from data breaches, company sustainability, growth strategy, etc. " } } , { "@type": "Question", "name": "Which top companies hire for cybersecurity roles?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "The top companies hiring for cybersecurity roles are KPMG, Deloitte, PwC, EY, and Jacobs." } } , { "@type": "Question", "name": "What are the job roles available in the field of cybersecurity?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "The available job roles in the field of cybersecurity are Malware analyst, Penetration Tester, Computer Forensics Analyst, Cloud Security Specialist, Cybersecurity Engineer, and Security Architect." } } , { "@type": "Question", "name": "How well paying the cybersecurity industry?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "Although the salary for the different roles differs, as a whole the salary in cybersecurity is 5 lakhs per annum." } } ] }

by Rohan Vats

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21 Mar 2023

Project Management vs Program Management: What’s the Difference?
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Project Management vs Program Management: What’s the Difference?

When we think of project management and program management, they come off as two sides of the same coin. However, this is far from the truth. While the skills and challenges pertaining to these fields are similar, project management and program management are two unique and separate entities. This is precisely our topic of discussion today – the difference between project management and program management.  So, keep scrolling if you wish to understand the nuances of project management and program management and find out their differences! Project vs Program There is a fundamental difference between a “project” and a “program.” A program is defined as “a group of projects” that aims to fulfill a common long-term goal without any specific deadline. Programs are flexible and involve many dedicated groups that are assigned different “projects” to handle.  A project is usually a goal set for a stipulated amount of time, one with a defined start date and a stringent deadline. It is a tactical process that takes into account budget and resource constraints in its execution.  Projects have short-term operational goals like managing a project within the estimated budget or completing a task using the assigned resources. Programs, on the other hand, have long-term goals pertaining to business and operations, like improving a firm’s business strategies or generating higher revenue.  Check out our management programs to upskill yourself. Project Manager vs Program Manager: Roles and Responsibilities  Project managers are responsible for leading specific, immediate tasks and projects that serve a company’s small-term goals. This involves planning, coordination, resource allocation, and the ultimate execution of the project. Their job is to focus on the timely delivery of projects using the assigned resources and budgets.  A project manager usually reports to a program manager.  A program manager is responsible for the broader goals and visions of a company. They are tasked with strategizing overarching missions for a company based on government standards and market shifts. Program managers directly influence a company’s finances and business practices.  upGrad’s Exclusive Product Management Webinar for you – How to craft GTM Strategy for a Product? document.createElement('video'); Explore our Popular Management Programs Leadership and Management in New-Age Business Post Graduate Certificate in Product Management Executive Post-Graduate Programme in Human Resource Management Professional Certificate Programme in HR Management and Analytics Executive Post-Graduate Programme in Healthcare Management Executive Management Programme in Strategic Innovation Digital Marketing and Business Analytics Certificate Programme in Finance for Non Finance Executives Certificate Programme in Operations Management and Analytics Global Master Certificate in Integrated Supply Chain Management upGrad's Job Linked Advanced General Management Program from IMT Ghaziabad Global Professional Certificate in Effective Leadership & Management Advanced General Management Program Strategic Human Resources Leadership Cornell Certificate Program Digital Transformation Cornell Certificate Program Executive Leadership Cornell Certificate Program Management Essentials Management Programs Project Management vs Program Management: The Basic Differences These are the three significant differences between program management and project management to keep in mind: 1. Managing Projects Program managers have the control to lead and head multiple projects, while project managers take responsibility for single projects that require immediate execution. 2. Business Goals Program management focuses on long-term plans with no deadlines, whereas project managers deal with short-term, specific, data-oriented goals. For instance, projects are targeted at delivering an end product which could either be a website, a software application, or an offline event. Programs have implications on the way a business works, its policies, or the revenue they generate. 3. Necessary Skills Program managers should exhibit leadership and organizational skills, while project managers should be decisive and capable of achieving goals under stressful circumstances. Top Management Skills to Learn SL. No Top Management Skills to Learn 1 Consumer Behaviour Online Programs Financial Analysis Programs FinTech Programs Online 2 HR Analytics Programs Online Communication Programs Online Effective Communication Programs 3 Research Methodology Programs Mastering Sales Programs Business Communication Programs 4 Fundamentals of Journalism Programs Economics Masterclass Online Programs   Project Manager vs Program Manager: Skills Required Project Manager Here are the skills that a successful project manager must possess: Project managers should be critical thinkers who can adjust their capacities as per the company’s unique needs and goals. They should work in a time-bound manner, adhering to specific deadlines. They should be able to locate and solve random, unprecedented problems promptly. Project managers require effective, predictive analysis and planning skills to achieve company goals. They require excellent communication skills to keep team members motivated to fulfil their duties. Project Managers Deal with “WHAT” Apart from strategic planning and execution, project managers must track the progress of the project at every stage to ensure there are no issues, bugs, or undesired functionalities. Risk management and quality assurance is a critical parts of their job.  They are also required to review team performance and provide constructive feedback wherever necessary. Therefore, they should have the required communication and interpersonal skills to ensure peaceful working conditions for everyone. The focus always remains on the specifics of the project and they generally deal with the “what” of an action. For instance, “launching a new website”, or “creating a new app.” Our Top Management Articles Top 7 Career Options in Management To Choose [For Freshers & Experienced] Online Product Management Courses to Kickstart your Career Top 10 Career Options in Business Management in India 8 Crucial Business Management Skills Every Manager Should Have Future Scope of Management: Scope, Salary, Career Opportunities Career Options After MBA – Highest Paying Management Jobs 5 Key Skills Required for Successful Management Career & How To Achieve Those Skills? What is The Nature and Scope of Management? Importance of Management in Every Organisation – [A Complete Guide] Program Manager Here are the skills a program manager should possess: They should have professional leadership skills to head a large group of projects and efficiently divide the managerial work between different projects. They must possess prerequisite knowledge of program management methodologies. Program managers must have practical communication skills to facilitate mutually beneficial client-company relationships. They must exhibit credibility in monetary and material allocations. Delegation is an important part of their job profile. Program managers must know to assign responsibilities in a manner that impacts the efficiency and productivity of an organization. They should have the teamwork capacities to work on a project as well as the leadership capacities to manage an entire program. Since project managers are in charge of several projects, they must learn to prioritize tasks and allocate resources accordingly, hence promoting efficiency and sustainability.  Program managers should be able to collaborate with different departments and use their communication and interpersonal skills to create a favourable atmosphere for employees to carry out their duties. Program Managers Deal with “WHY” Program managers require all-encompassing, effective organizational skills to ensure the smooth functioning of all the projects under them. They focus on making available resources: monetary and material, to allocate to different projects.  They generally seek to answer the “why” of the action; for example, “to lead to significant business growth”, or “to bring about a change in company policy.” While program managers stay updated about the ongoing processes in the various projects they are managing, they do not get involved with their minute details. They have an integral role to play in cross-team collaborations, elaborate consumer-company relations, and milestone management. Like in the former, communication skills are an essential part of successful program management.  Study Product Management Courses online from the World’s top Universities. Earn Master, Executive PGP, or Advanced Certificate Programs to fast-track your career. Who holds the higher hierarchy? Product Manager vs Project Manager There is a tiff between the project managers and the product managers in any organisation. The product managers are considered to hold a higher hierarchy as compared to the project managers.  The scope of work of the product manager lies in strategy making, the creation of a vision, and ensuring the success of the products or line of products.  Whereas, the project scope of work for the project managers lies in the planning and execution of the projects.  Collaboration between project management vs program management The product managers on managing the overall strategy, and vision, ensuring success for the product/ product line.  Whereas, the project managers ensure the successful execution of the given projects.  The product managers work closely in collaboration with the project managers to ensure successful product development and launch time meeting the budget outline and goals deadline.  The work collaboration usually lies in prioritising the product backlog, prioritisation, testing feature development, etc. Creating the go-to-market strategies is one of the scopes of work between the project manager and the product manager.    The salary difference between Project Manager and Program Manager The salaries of the project manager and the program is guided by various factors such as geography, type of company, experience, size of the company, etc. The average salary for the project manager is 12 lakhs per annum. The average salary for the product manager is 17 lakhs per annum.  Takeaway Both jobs are equally important for an organization. However, both careers would require specific job skill sets and eligibility criteria to ensure recruiters are able to scoop the best out of the managers’ pool. This is to ensure they can adequately enhance company profits and reach intended goals. upGrad can help both project management and program management aspirants get certified from IMT Ghaziabad at affordable monthly emi’s to enhance placement opportunities. The 11-month Post Graduate Certificate in Product Management also opens doors to pursue an MBA Degree from the Top B-Schools of the UK & Australia.  { "@context": "", "@type": "FAQPage", "mainEntity": [ { "@type": "Question", "name": "Q1. What is the difference between PMO and a project manager?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "The project manager oversees several projects and takes care of various executive aspects of projects. PMO or Project Management Office is essentially a widely used concept in project management. It does not stand for Project Management Official; instead, it refers to professionals in the organization who assist project managers in managing projects by controlling and monitoring different execution aspects. From allocating resources for a project and gaining the support of stakeholders to creating contingency plans and tracking and motivating teams, the PMO is responsible for a wide array of tasks. " } } , { "@type": "Question", "name": "Q2. How is a project coordinator different from a project manager?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "In the field of project management, you will come across different designated professionals in charge of different project-related activities. Among them, the project coordinator and project manager play vital roles. While some of their tasks might overlap to attain the same organizational goals, their roles are pretty much different. With time and experience, project coordinators might transition to the position of project managers, but project managers are the official supervisors of the coordinators. A project coordinator will take care of administrative tasks for particular projects. They actually assist project managers in performing essential duties and free up time for them to look after more critical issues. " } } , { "@type": "Question", "name": "Q3. What are the top competencies that PMO leaders should have?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "The role of a PMO leader can be challenging; unlike the project manager's role, there will be only one PMO leader and not several others. So PMO leaders have to be self-reliant while they carry out their responsibilities alone. An effective PMO leader should possess competencies related to business, leadership, and technology, apart from a passion for the work. Being skilled with business acumen and understanding the laws and regulations of the specific industry is extremely vital, along with practical leadership skills to manage a team. Being technically competent and enthusiastic is also necessary to excel as a PMO leader. " } } ] } { "@context": "", "@type": "FAQPage", "mainEntity": [ { "@type": "Question", "name": "Who are the top employers for product management roles?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "The top companies that are hiring for the role of product managers are Ola, Google, Uber, Microsoft, PayPal, Myntra, and Flipkart." } } , { "@type": "Question", "name": " Who are the top employers for project management roles?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "The top companies hiring for the project management roles are IBM, Deloitte, Bank of America, Verizon, Accenture, Honeywell, and JP Morgan." } } , { "@type": "Question", "name": "Is product manager a stressful job?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "Being a product manager comes with a lot of responsibilities. A product manager has a the whole responsibility to manage the product line, from development to the launch. They work in collaboration with various other teams and stakeholders and ensure the successful life of any product in any market place. " } } , { "@type": "Question", "name": " Is project manager a stressful job?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "Being a project manager can be stressful. They are responsible for the on time deliver of the projects within the scope of the budget and goals. They make sure to make maximum use of the resources available and manage to deliver on time. " } } ] }

by Rohan Vats

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21 Mar 2023

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